Yardley Photographic Society is based in East Birmingham and has been in existence in various forms since 1903 when it was originally known as Small Heath and District Photographic Society.

New members, regardless of their level of knowledge, are always made welcome, and whether your interests lie in black and white, colour, digital or film you can be sure that you will be inspired and encouraged by our visiting speakers and existing members during the varied programme of events throughout the season.
Meetings are held every Thursday evening between 7:45-10:00PM at the St Edburgha’s Church Hall/Parish Office on School Lane, Yardley, Birmingham B33 8NY from September to May.
The Society is affiliated to the Photographic Alliance of Great Britain through its membership of the Midland Counties Photographic Federation.
The committee for the 2023-2024 season is:
- President: Marc Grayland
- Vice-President: Tom Mace
- Treasurer: David Boyce
- Secretary: Anthony Burroughs
- Programme Secretary: Cherie Cream
- Competition Secretary: Margaret Connolly
- General Committee: Margaret Connolly, Christopher Clarkson and Stephen Cooper
- Selection Committee: Margaret Connolly, Tom Mace and David Boyce
- External Exhibition Secretary: Margaret Connolly
- A/V Co-Ordinator: Marc Grayland
- Projectionists: Stephen Cooper, Marc Grayland
- Publicity Officer: Stephen Cooper
- Social Secretary: Martin Coffey
- M.C.P.F. Delegate: Anthony Burroughs
- Web Site Admin: Marc Grayland, Stephen Cooper
- Auditor: Margaret Connolly
- Club Archivist: Anthony Burroughs
- Notice board Monitor: Cherie Cream
- Hon Life Members: Maurice Strong, Mary Jenkins APAGB and Anthony Burroughs